Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Support Sanu!

Americans across the nation have had it. We are tired of the dirty politics, the unresponsiveness, the backroom deals and the lack of transparency. We are tired of trying again and again to find officials who will actually live up to their title of “representative” and carry out our will-the will of the people- rather than simply pushing their own partisan agendas. The blatant tyranny we have seen from leaders in Congress has shown us that we must be far more careful when it comes to choosing citizens to serve their fellow voters through representation. This time we must bring about positive and responsible change that will uphold our values and that will hopefully be able to stop the damage that is still being done, attempt to undo it, and to then actually improve upon the issues that we wanted to fix during the last wave of elections. The country is sinking, so now more than ever, we need to vote responsibly, because our candidates need not only to bring about the improvements we’ve been asking for all along, but to fight the steady regress that Congress has been subjecting us too. But where can we find candidates that we can actually trust to bring about this change and live up to these standards?

I didn’t have to search far before finding an ideal candidate, a woman who exemplifies exactly what our electoral revolution is calling for through both her platform and the way that she lives her life according to those same ideals. Sanu, an immigrant who moved here after having grown up in India and Nepal, started out at McDonalds and paid her way through college. She earned her MBA from Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota and has now gained 17 years of experience in the business world. Now living happily in Bloomington with her husband Fred, the support of a close family, and a job at Best Buy that she loves, Sanu proved that the American dream is still very much alive, and attainable for anyone willing to work for it.

I do not live in her district, so I can’t vote for her, but voting is only one of the many ways that we can support these candidates. Because we are fighting this revolution to win back our representation in every district, it is important that we unite to support these candidates as a whole. We will need to win every district that we can if we want a chance to bring the power in government back to the hands of the people as it was meant to be. Because I can only support her through writing and volunteering, I am going to do all that I can to let people know about Sanu Patel-Zellinger from District 40B in Bloomington. She stands for the same principles and believes in the same changes that our revolution would like to see. I will not only be supporting her in my free time and volunteering over the summer when I don’t have classes, but I will be following her campaign, so hopefully you will all see plenty of updates here. I have known Sanu all my life and was absolutely thrilled to hear that she is running for State Representative. For what she stands for, how she views serving her Bloomington neighbors, and what she will do when she is elected, I support Sanu Patel-Zellinger for State Representative.


Sanu said...

Jackie, I am honored to have your support and for the kind words.

Unknown said...

Well said, Jackie. I believe Sanu will represent the people of Bloomington well by working hard for them and representing their values while keeping the role of government limnited.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog Jackie. I also think Sanu will be a wonderful representative for us in Bloomington. I will vote for her!

cc5 said...

(Due to technical issues, Laddie e-mailed me his response and I am posting it for him).

What an intelligent, well-written article by college student Jacqueline, expressing her well-founded beliefs and support of the candidacy of Sanu Patel-Zellinger for the Minnesota District 40B House position.

Jacqueline's evaluation about "the dirty politics, the unresponsiveness, the backroom deals and the lack of transparency", the "blatant tyranny" "from leaders in Congress" are very perceptive. She apparently thinks for herself because I doubt very much she got these ideas from the liberal "academia" at the University of Minnesota---"educators" who are supposedly are to present all ideas and open the minds of students. (Or maybe they did open her mind---unintentionally---because their obvious liberal bias backfired and became "transparent"..

As a college student of the 1950's, I was a Young Democrat, but out of curiosity I "snuck into" Young Republican meetings to hear some of their speakers. I still campaigned and voted for Democrat candidates. Graduating with degrees in Communication, History and Political Science, I went on to be a high school instructor for nearly 40 years. During that time I voted for JFK in the general elections and in the primaries for Jimmy Carter. Somehow I began to be influenced by "the real world" and began to become more realistic and conservative. Disappointments with some aspects of Jimmy Carter, William Jefferson Clinton and George W. Bush, I have made some transitions. Wow! Then I heard the 2004 Democrat convention speech of young Barack Obama. My immediate reaction was that he would be a great future president.

I am now a retired educator---and label myself a slow learner. What a disappointment the Congress and new president have been. Jacqueline has perfectly evaluated those people!

Have done research and gotten more details about Sanu Patel-Zellinger. She is the woman that Jacqueline says she is. What an example of "pulling yourself by your bootstraps" and achieving "the American dream"---and by someone who came here from elsewhere to be educated and employed in "the land of opportunity".

Since I am from Wisconsin, I cannot vote for Sanu. Neither can Jacqueline, because she lives in another Minnesota district. But, like Jacqueline, I can give "vocal" support to Sanu because I sincerely believe her history of hard work for education and achievements in employment and her common sense beliefs are criteria for an effective and honest elected legislator.

Thank you Jacqueline and Sanu for giving me hope for the future!

Laddie of Harmony Hills

Jacqueline said...

Thank you everyone for your comments, support and even stories! I do love to read your feedback. And Laddie, I'm so glad to hear that you remained so involved and am extremely impressed that you also went to the meetings of the other party. Such a thing can be tough for so many reasons, and the fact that you were that motivated to examine both sides of the issue and to continue to expand your understanding in order to figure out where you stand in politics and what you can do to contribute your passionate voice to society is definitely worthy of respect. (I'm so glad we have you on our side now though!)Thank you all again for such supportive and encouraging comments. I promise to do all that I can to increase my involvement and not let you down!

Anonymous said...

I just wish we lived in Bloomington so we could vote for Sanu !!!

Diana said...

I live in Sanu's district and have the privilege to vote for her this fall. I am also block-walking with her. She and her husband have been out almost every evening and weekends, in rain and sun to meet the voters in Bloomington. I am impressed at how hard she is working to win this seat. I was also impressed that when I donated to her campaign, I recieved a handwritten thank- you note two days later. I like her values and common sense and I see her as a good listener who wants to hear other's points of view. She is an extremely well qualified candidate for this position.

Anonymous said...

I am not a resident in Sanu's district, but I too support her 100% in her campaign. I first met her when she spoke to The 56 Club in Eagan. She has the same principals which The 56 Club has, and I am proud to call myself her friend. I have been door knocking with her and Fred and they are both dedicated to making a difference in Minnesota and the U.S.A. I too, have received the handwritten thank you notes, which is not common with other candidates for political office. If you have not yet had the wonderful opportunity to meet her or hear her message, you must do so soon. It's time for change in Minnesota, and Sanu is the right person to represent Bloomington in the cleaned up House.
Sanu, you are the best!
Mary Cramer

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