Even this Thanksgiving, we have a lot to be thankful for. We can be thankful for the principles and liberties that have made this nation a beacon of hope for the oppressed, the hardworking, the outspoken, the go-getters, and the free thinkers. In honor of today, I started jotting down some (but of course nowhere near all) of the things for which we Americans can be thankful. Here’s that list in no particular order.
We can be thankful that, as seen in the last election, Americans can see through catchy rhetoric and pop culture charisma, and eventually sober up and recognize tyranny once it reaches a certain point. And that those Americans will yield one of the most basic protections we have to remove those from power who are abusing it-the American vote. We can be thankful that each and every one of us, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, ideology, religion, opinion or preferences, can cast an equal vote and participate in our own government. Too often, we forget how truly remarkable that right is.
We can be thankful because members of our military are still out there fighting for our liberties. Despite those who live off of the freedoms, opportunities and success of America while burning its flag and spitting on the principles that have protected their right to live and think as they do, countless brave and selfless men and women have found their own reasons to appreciate what America stands for, and have risked their lives to defend that.
Along those lines, we can be thankful that members of our military have succeeded in protecting us, because it means that we are still answering only to American laws, and therefore answering to no one but ourselves.
We can be thankful that even under heavy taxes and discrimination against higher economic status, some Americans still choose to invest their lives into their business to produce innovative products and services, provide countless jobs, and stimulate the economy. Even when such hard work will bring on a hoard of people demanding their “share” of another individual’s earnings and when success means the objectification of real, working American citizens into a “company” or “big business” in order for society to justify bleeding these citizens’ resources out for societal uses, even then, some Americans will still take advantage of all of the opportunities we have, overcome all of the social and political obstacles, and achieve the American dream.
We can be thankful that we can raise our children to think critically and for themselves, in order to recognize the biases in the media and the classroom. We can still bring up our kids with the religion, principles and ethnic culture we see fit, and still be able to be Americans, united by our appreciation of liberty and intolerance for tyranny.
We can be thankful that the Supreme Laws of this country were written to protect our rights to live, worship, speak, assemble, petition and work as we see fit, in accordance with the lives we want to lead. We are lucky enough to be living in a nation where the framework has already been set for us to embrace our individual freedoms and varying paths in life without the threat of some authority imposing itself on us to force us to live a certain way-whether it be eating certain foods, buying certain products, or supporting certain administrations. Our Constitutional principles already protect us from these things. All we have to do is check our leaders and administrations to ensure that they follow the guidelines they swore to protect.
We can be thankful that if we prioritize our insurance, encourage more competition, and are smart consumers, we will be able to access the highest quality health care available today. Leaders from across the world have flown here for their care, but we have it right at our fingertips.
We have so much to be thankful for. As we eat our thanksgiving feasts surrounded by close family and friends in a warm house, we can be thankful for everything that has brought us here to this point of well-being, abundance and happiness. And tomorrow morning at the doorbusters, we can be thankful for the survival of capitalism and the fact that even in this recession, new technologies, exciting entertainment and quality gifts for those we love are available and affordable to those willing to invest money in them.
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