Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Starting Conservative Awareness Week

Hello again! I'm sorry I was MIA for a little bit there. I still am a college student after all, so midterms had to take priority for a week or two.
But now that Conservative Awareness Week is starting, I had to jump back in.

Awareness Week will kick off tonight at 7 pm in Coffman, where there will be a screening of "33 Minutes: Protecting America in the New Missile Age." Tomorrow morning, I'll be waking up far earlier than my strategically organized class schedule has ever required in order to help set up another one of the week's events, the Cemetary of Innocents. This is put on by Students for Human Life in order to raise awareness about the many lives lost to abortions. For anyone who will find time to pass by the U of M's Coffman plaza between 9 am and 3 pm, I highly encourage a visit. On Wednesday, John Coleman, best known as one of the co-founders of The Weather Channel, will be speaking out about the fallacies of global warming propaganda, a political exaggeration of some of the effects humans have had on the naturally occurring cycle of climate change. This will be at 7:30 in Rapson Hall, room 43, and there should be free food as well. Thursday the 22nd will be both the Support the Troops Rally, which we purposely put on during the same day that anti-war protesters call "zero recruitment day" as well as a visit from Karl Rove. Rumor has it that "zero recruitment day" as a peace protest has ironically had a habit of turning violent, with protesters breaking windows and flooding into recruitment offices. That is why conservative, libertarian and other Republican groups rally to literally support their troops on that day. I will most definitely be blogging more on the details of that later in the week. Karl Rove former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Adviser to President George W. Bush will also be speaking in Smith 100 at noon! Finally, on Friday we'll be closing up with a mixer!

On another note, I wanted to post a link to something I was happy to see in the editorials of the Daily. The article discusses how disagreeing with the current administration so often leads to unjustified accusations of racism, and how, if that is how discourse is to be viewed, perhaps we really weren't ready for a black president. Written by fellow undergrad, John Eloranta, it's a concise and worthy read. Below is the link to the MN Daily's website where you can see for yourselves!



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