Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our Electoral Revolution

The current President, Barack Obama, came forward promising all sorts of vague, idealistic “Change.” Yet, the change that we’re seeing now was not due to success on Obama’s part, but to the potent public reaction to his administration’s assault on the principles of our country. We are in an era of change now, but it isn’t the type of change the President was hoping for. No, that hum beneath your feet that has been steadily building marks a change far stronger. My friends, we have on our hands an electoral revolution. Across the country, the American people are realizing what a grave mistake we have made in backing down on America’s strongest principles which link to the very founding of our nation and constitution. From its birth, when America broke free of tyranny in order to create for itself a more responsive and liberating form of government, we its people have steadily begun to take for granted those basic principles that allow for the liberties that characterize us as free Americans. With the passing of time and the gradual flip of the pages of history, many have forgotten just what happens when too much power is allotted to too few people, when the government grows too bulky and intrusive, and when Congress loses sight of its role to serve and instead begins to rule. Gradually, slowly, America has been sliding down a hill, in a stealthy retrogress to the problems we had before. And it is only lately that the American public has begun to truly realize this decline.

A wise man by the name of Thomas Jefferson once warned, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground,” and that is exactly what we are witnessing today. The health care bill with all of the hazy, backroom politics that are pushing it through, despite the will of the people and without regard to the views of other parties, have demonstrated all too clearly that what we have now is no longer a democracy. Our representatives are forgetting their namesake. We did not elect them so that they could run the country as they pleased. That is not how the American democratic system was designed to function. These men and women were chosen to serve us, to provide a method through which our ideas can be implemented into our government. Hence, the line “by the people for the people.”

And thankfully, citizens are finally beginning to see that what they voted in was not liberalism, because liberals, conservatives, republicans, democrats-we all believe in a democracy. And the officials that have been elected are overstepping their roles. They have gone so far as to appoint themselves power roles that grant them all aspects of the definition of “ruler,” under the name of a representative. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and all other cronies that are now running our government against all of the principles they swore to preserve are not doing their jobs. They are stealing power from the people in order to further their own agendas. Jefferson explained, "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government..." Well my friends, this is what we are going to do. We must take back the powers vested in us by the Constitution from those who have taken it, not only because it threatens our liberties on an individual level, but because it is attacking that institution which makes possible those liberties. We were warned from the beginning that to have these privileges, we must be prepared to fight for them; to defend them from all enemies foreign and domestic. Granted, the latter is often far more subtle than the former, but during this term, it has become unmistakable. And come November, we will see the greatest change yet. We will see the American people rise and take back those seats. We will replace these incumbents with representatives who will truly stand for our beliefs, new and fresh minds that will protect and preserve our constitution in both oath and action. For those whose eyes are open enough to realize what is going on, the revolution has already begun.

And this electoral revolution is taking place in every state, at every level, and it is being fought through awareness, through public expression of opinion, and through votes. The only way we can succeed is through the combined efforts of our citizens, and through their support of a fresh wave of representatives who will replace the tired officials currently neglecting our voices from their high office chairs. We need to keep representatives like Michelle Bachmann and John Kline who toil relentlessly to carry out the will of their constituents in office. And at the same time, we have the obligation as the keepers of liberty, to replace those who fall short of these standards with representatives who will fulfill this role. To the citizens of District 40B in Bloomington, isn't it time for your voices to be heard? Isn’t it time that you elect someone who will not only say that she puts your community first and serves you, but when the time comes to vote, will actually act on that dedication? There's a new candidate running, a brilliant young woman from the private sector who immigrated to America for its opportunities and made Minnesota her home. She is intelligent and passionate and exactly the kind of candidate this revolution needs in every district. After all she went through to be a part of this country and your community; she will work endlessly to preserve the opportunities she found in America for its future generations. For those who agree that we deserve these rights and that we deserve the powers that no government should take from us, vote for Sanu Patel-Zellinger in the fall. We will bring about change, and we will have our revolution, one district and one vote at a time.


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