Saturday, October 30, 2010

Vote for a Solution

Eventually we have to stop dumping money we don’t have into temporary relief. We have to stop perpetuating our debt and this recession in favor of fleeting gratification for certain lobbying groups and certain small portions of the population. We need to spare the people from burdening taxes because, despite what our representatives may claim, it’s the people who have made this state and country great and it’s the people who keep the system running. When we formed this nation, freeing ourselves from crippling taxes that failed to serve those who were actually paying them, we understood that we deserved something better. But somewhere along the lines, tyranny adopted a softer face and started making grand and glorious promises. And we forgot that we were never meant to serve the government. We forgot that the government exists solely to serve us.

This is because the innovators, laborers, and entrepreneurs who fuel the economy, hire workers and keep our free market running, are the people. And instead of giving them a break through tax cuts and giving them a sense of security by removing the extreme and constantly fluctuating federal measures and mandates from the market, our politicians are willing to risk causing disincentives to invest and hire. But of course, since many of them have no real experience in business and consider themselves to be of a higher moral order than we the ignorant and senseless citizens, politicians justify burdening us further with their excessive spending, creating an unstable and deteriorating economy that no one in their right mind would invest in.

I’m sick of having our money go towards worsening our problems simply because a group of self-praising politicians continue to promise us that one day these failed methods will start to work. We have to wake up and take back our economy and businesses. We have to take back our schools so that the system is once again efficient and accountable. And we have to take back our rights to decide for ourselves what to do with our incomes, our profits, and our investments.
We can pay these tax-and-spend Democrats until we have nothing left to give and no way of earning more, and until every house on our block is in foreclosure and every business unable to hire or even stay afloat, but they will still be saying the same thing: “If we only had a little more of your money, we could fix this.”

They can’t fix this. But we can. That’s why we need to elect representatives who will let us find work and earn money, and who will stop pulling us deeper into this recession. Aren’t you sick of voting for and paying for people who say that we can’t take care of ourselves, that the reason we disagree with them is because we just don’t understand, and that they know better what to do with our money than we do? Well I am. I’m sick of other people voting for representatives who take my money with the arrogant idea that they know better how to spend my earnings and they know better how we should live our lives and raise our families.

We need to take our country back now, while we still have the ability to. If we wait another term for these same old policies of “tax more, spend more” to finally kick in, we will just be that much deeper in debt and that much further from the solution. They’ve given us a huge mess to clean up and the longer we wait, the harder that process will be. We deserve the same liberties and opportunities that this country offered the generations before us. This is why we should vote for candidates like Tom Emmer and Sanu Patel-Zellinger, who have been paying these taxes and working in the business world. They, like us, are citizens who have earned a living here and who (unlike the DFL gubernatorial candidate Mark Dayton) actually keep their money here. But most importantly, they will actually represent us, rather than rule over us.

Vote for a solution now so we aren’t stuck paying for even more of these consequences later.


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